Friday, June 3, 2011

Chraracter Transfers Controversy - WoW versus RIFT

Character transfers are a service offered to players to move characters from one server to another for a fee of 25 dollars. Recently its been uncovered that this service is automated and virtually doesn't cost WoW anything to provide this service. The largest slap in the face to this money making scandal is that Trion Worlds the makers of RIFT has now started offering free character transfers to all its subscribers.

Thats right free! However Blizzard continues to nickle and dime us for every service they have to offer. Its times like this that I wonder what 14.99 a month is paying if I'm not getting use of these kinds of services. The argument Blizzard has put forth is that these services are not a necessary part of the game and only optional. I disagree.

Heres a scenario. I spent time leveling up a character to 85. I discovered my friends play WoW too but they play on a different server and I'd like to play with them. Okay Blizzard, I want to switch servers but it costs 25 dollars? What the hell? So let me get this straight, I bought the game and all the expansions for X dollars, played for months leveling this character up, spent money on a monthly subscription and now you want me to pay more money so I can switch servers!

The idea that I should be punished by practically being forced to pay 25 dollars to be able play with my friends is insane. When I started all I did was click on a server and make a character. It should have warned me for gods sake! When I was clicking through the servers some text should have popped up saying, "Are you sure you want this server? Because If you ever change your mind its going to cost you 25 dollars a character!"

How the hell I am supposed to know what server to pick! The friends that I met that play WoW, I ended up meeting them a year after I had started playing. Was I supposed to take a time machine into the future to find out who my friends were going to be in 2 years and ask what server they play on in WoW.

Trion Worlds you has the right idea by giving players the opportunity to move characters around to be with their friends. Maybe Blizzard is afraid the servers populations will get out of hand but I suggest that limit the amount of free transfers and then charge for subsequent transfers. Come on Blizz treat your customers right. 25 dollars is a rip off.

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