Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Celestial Steed 2.0 - New Winged Lion Mount Available

Sparkle Mount 2.0 is here! Behold the New Lion Mount Thingy! Blizzard announced the Winged Guardian will be on sale in the Pet Store. If you would like to get your hands on one of these lion mounts I have a few questions. Do you have you have 25 dollars burning a hole in your pocket? Are you ready to wait in line virtually behind 13 thousand other people for this virtual item? Have you considered doing something more constructive with your money, such as; use it as kindling or invest in a pyramid scheme? If you answered yes to any of these questions I'm sure your well on your way to buying a brand new sparkle pony 2.0. I mean Winged Guardian. Hey I am not judging anyone, well actually I am but good for you. You make me feel less guilty about spending 14.99 a month in comparison. Perhaps this is Blizzards backup plan for making up that lost revenue from losing 600k subscribers. At 25 bucks a lion mount means they would need to sell.. A shit load of flying mounts to make up for their losses and they will. We already know that are selling like hot cakes because there are 13 thousand people in queue to buy it right now. So 13,000 times 25 is 325,000 dollars and thats right off the bat. I see right through your plan Blizz.

No I will not provide you a link to the Blizzard Online Pet Store. Do not support this crap. Save your money for better things, like lapdances.

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