Thursday, June 9, 2011

World of Warcraft to Add Tutorials on How to Play Classes

Q: Are there any plans to teach players in-game how to tank when they are at an early stage, or at least at some point in the leveling process? - Romner (EU-EN)

A: A system to teach players how we intend for them to perform their roles is something we realize we’re lacking. We have some pretty cool plans to help solve this problem in the future, but we’re not quite ready to make any announcements, and Ask the Devs just wouldn’t be the appropriate venue anyway. - Blizzard

Blizzard has hinted at a system to teach players how to perform their roles. Its something that has been missing from the game for a long time. How would a system like this be implemented?

The best guess for what a system like this would be is a class specific quest that players must embark upon. The quest would put players in situations where they must learn to use their class skills. In addition the quest could also teach basic gameplay mechanics that exist in dungeons.

The reward for doing such a class quest would have to be very good to ensure that the players complete it. An epic shield for protection warriors or an epic bow for hunters would work as rewards but it doesn't seem like it would be enough to make players interested. However I believe players would be much more motivated to do the quest if the reward were a mount, especially if it were a class specific mount.

Access to the quest is essential. The players need to be able to get to the quest without running across Azeroth. The best option would be to have the quest appear on your screen once you attain a certain level.

Nothing has been officially announced yet but its something the community has really been asking for. I believe it will help the new player base and ease the barrier to entry for the game. Blizzard has done amazing things with instancing players in quests i.e.  'The Battle For The Undercity'. I am looking forward to seeing what they can do, whatever it may be.

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