Saturday, June 11, 2011

Leveling 1 to 12 as a Mage in Cataclysm

Leveling as a low level mage in Cataclysm was a learning experience for me. I will admit that I have limited experience playing as a caster class.  My three main characters that I play are a warrior, death knight and hunter. I have always played melee/ranged dps but wanted to try my hand playing a caster dps but it wasn't what I expected.

I never knew how squishy mages were. When I got hit by mobs, it hurt. I could hardly handle being touched by a mob for any length of time. I found out quickly that going toe to toe with multiple enemies was not a good idea while playing a mage. So I decided I needed to dial it back a notch and began to tread more carefully than ever. However when fighting one enemy at a time I still found that I was on the brink of death almost every time.

It took me a while but after many deaths I developed a new new strategy. I used my frostbolt to slow the enemy as they ran toward me. As they ran toward me I would shoot them with a fireball. Once they reached me I would lay down a frostnova and run away and turn to shoot another fireball at it. This worked quite well provided I had enough room to maneuver around without attracting more enemies.

For every fight I had to carry out this pattern. Again and again. This elaborate strategy to kill regular monsters, not a boss or anything mind you. Jumping through all these hoops to kill a mob became extremely tiresome after a while. I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong. I felt frustrated but I pushed onward in hopes that I could reach level 15 and from then on level through the dungeon finder.

It was after I reached level 12 that I realized that I was not going to spend any more time playing this class. It just wasn't working for me. I don't know the exact reasoning. Maybe playing melee classes has pigeonholed me into only playing the game one way. Whatever the case is, I know that playing a dps caster isn't the right choice for me right now. I guess switching to a mage might have been a bit too drastic a change from what I had been used to. I have since returned to playing my blood elf paladin which I absolutely love.

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