Monday, June 20, 2011

My Authenticator Isn't Showing Up When I Log In WoW

You  may have noticed that when logging into World of Warcraft that after entering your password that you were not asked to enter your authentication code.

The system now tracks the location of where you log into your account. If you keep logging in from the same computer at home the system recognizes it and won't ask you to authenticate. However if your planning a trip to China anytime soon and are planning on playing some WoW while your there.. you might want to bring your autheticator with you. Theres a good chance the system is going to be suspicious.

Topic: Authenticator Changes

Community Manager
If you use an authenticator – and we hope you do – you may soon notice that an authenticator prompt may not appear with every login. We’ve recently updated our authentication system to intelligently track your login locations, and if you’re logging in consistently from the same place, you may not be asked for an authenticator code. This change is being made to make the authenticator process less intrusive when we’re sure the person logging in to your account is you.

We hope to continue improving the authenticator system to ensure the same or greater security, while improving and adding features to make having one a more user friendly experience. If you don’t already have a Authenticator attached to your account, don’t wait until it’s too late -\

No doubt in my mind that people will find a way to complain about this. In fact people already are. Lets see what they have to say and I will reply.

"If it "thinks" its me, Could be my sister or my brother-in-law logging into my account. Then what?" -Why are they trying to hack your account? How did they get your password? Anyways.. I have two solutions, either A. Change your password or B. Confront your sister and brother in law about their evil plans to steal your wow account.

"Hackers will be able to spoof my ip address and steal my account."
-It's possible but that would require a lot of information. First they would need your internet ip-address. Second they would need your id. Third they would need your password. All this information is easily stolen if you go to websites like (don't click that I don't know if its real). Forth Blizzard has an ace up their sleeve to protect these idiots.

What people don't realize is that Blizzard has access to much more information about you than you think. Hardware specs.. Screen Resolution.. Addons.. Performance Settings... A whole host of things that Blizzard remembers and is more than likely going to check for upon log in. Come on people give Blizzard some credit they aren't stupid, Sony got hacked just a month ago.

So all you complainers who are afraid of change shut your yappers. All I know is I am going to appreciate not having to spend 5 minutes looking around my room for my cellphone so I can enter my authenticator every time. 

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