Saturday, June 4, 2011

Open Map Animation

Currently on the PTR there is an animation for when you open your map. Apparently this update has been on the PTR since 4.1 but I have never heard of it till today. Who knows if this thing is going live in 4.2 or not, it will be weird to see all these people standing around staring at there maps in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Another piece of information I found out was that this is also currently the same animation for when you check your mail on the PTR which seems kind of lazy on Blizzards part. Obviously a map is not the same thing as an animation for thumbing through envelopes, shame on you. Why not add another animation for looking at mail!

A popular question that has been asked a lot is, "Does the open map animation stay open when running or riding a map?" No the map doesn't not stay open while running or moving around on your mount. I think this small feature is pretty awesome and I would have never thought of it, now I can tell when to gank someone who is reading their map muahaha.

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