Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why Volley was removed and the reason Multi-shot ruined everything

Before hunters were the kings of aoe damage. Let's be honest hunter aoe used to be one word.. 'volley'. Oh volley how I miss you. Let me tell you a story about my old friend volley.

In the old days.. Volley was the primary aoe damage for hunters. That was until blizzard decided to eliminate redundancies in hunter skills. Primarily Volley and Multi-shot.

It was decided one of these skills had to go and Volley ended up on the chopping block. But how come? The principle reason blizzard argued for this choice was that volley 'didn't fit into the gameplay as they intended it to'.

The truth is that Volley was being used more than any other skill. Players would neglect any rotation in favor of using volley almost exclusively. It was a principle reason for it's removal. I remember going through dungeons during WotLK with my hunter and only using Volley for the most part.

I won't argue that there isn't a problem with this because there is. Its the fact that volley took away from the way hunters played the game. The thing is though.. after a while I really liked using Volley. Let's face volley had been a trademark of all hunters for years until it was removed.

So why did Blizzard choose to keep Multi-shot? It really frustrates me that Blizzard couldn't think of a way to change Volley in way that would fit better into the game.

I would have liked to see Volley stay in some way as a proc. The best way I could think of this is to have Multi-shot have a chance to let you use Volley. So if you were dpsing and using Multi-shot then it would have a chance to proc and have the Multi-shot button transforms into the Volley button for you to use.

 Hitting [Multi-shot] button and it has the chance to randomly transform to [Volley] button to use.

Thats what I came up with off the top of my head right now. I'm not sure if anyone else misses Volley as much as I do but I haven't played my hunter since Cata came out. It's not that I'm protesting or anything its just that I'm scared of all the changes made to hunters.

How do you feel about these changes and how do you think they could of been done differently? Leave Us a Comment or Email Us at

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