Monday, June 13, 2011

World of Warcraft Lore: The Beginning of the Universe

The origin of the unvierse is unknown. Some theorize that the universe was created by a cosmic explosion while others believe the universe was created by an all powerful entity. Thus was created, worlds, the great dark beyond (the empty void between worlds) and the twisting nether.

The Twisting Nether, an extra-dimensional space that is chaotic and has magical properties.  The Nether is home to countless demonic beings that seek to destroy all the life and energy of the universe.

After the universe was created the Titans came into being. The Titans are colossal metal gods who shaped the worlds of the universe. Titans are ruled by a council of leaders called the Pantheon, their mission is to protect the worlds that exist throughout the universe.

The Pantheon elected its greatest warrior, Sargeras to defend the universe against the growing threat of the Twisting Nether. The warrior fought for eons and after time he fall deeper and deeper into the corruption of the Nether.

Sargeras began to believe that the Titans vision of an ordered universe was faulty and that chaos was the only absolute. The Titans tried to help him see the error in his thinking but they failed. Sargeras left the Titans to find his own place in the universe.

The madness consumed Sargeras and he believed that the Titans were responsible for the failure of their creation. To fix the mistakes of the Titans, Sargeras vowed to undo their work by destroying the universe.

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