Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tier 12 Warrior and Druid Armor Set Previews

Released from Blizzard is the Tier 12 Armor Set Preview. The Warrior armor appears to be inspired by the Molten Giants in the firelands and the druid armor is harder to pin down.

The best inspiration I could find for druid armor is from some of the architecture found in Hyjal but I could be wrong. I see similarities in the wood and the hanging light in the middle of the archway.

It's been said that for the new armor tiers the designers at Blizzard have been given instructions to give players a better idea of what their armor is made of, whether it be of pieces of molten giant or wooden fragments. I enjoy the new philosophy behind armor design because i think it gives the addition of more depth and meaning to the game. The new tier 12 armor pieces have a new visible origin and story to go along with it.

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