Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What is Project Titan?

Project Titan is the next MMO property that Blizzard is currently working on. An MMO news website, http://www.mmogamesite.com/, released a Blizzard product slate on November 30, 2010. It was found listed as 'Titan' with a date of 4th quarter, 2013.

'This picture is fake. I spent 5 minutes with photoshop and a mass effect picture.' -Ryan

It was later confirmed by Frank Pearce, founding member and senior vice president of product development at Blizzard, to be the next gen MMO during an on the spot interview at the 2010 Video Game Awards.
Frank Pearce's quote: (Source)
"Titan is... the media is not meant to know anything about that. It's our next gen MMO and we've only started talking about it in a limited fashion because we want to leverage the fact that we're working on something like that for the purpose of recruiting – getting some of the best talent in the industry on that."

Rumors say that this project has been in development for the past four years based on reports of Blizzards job recruiting history. It is known for sure that the game is being called Project Titan by Blizzard. It is extremely unlikely that this will be the official title of the game because Blizzard has a history of naming their secret projects with these types of names. Starcraft II was code named Medusa and Diablo III was code named Hydra.

According to a post by Zarhym, Project Titan is a completely unique and brand new franchise unlike any of their other intellectual properties. Which means it defintely wont be a Diablo 2 or Starcraft 2 MMO.
Zarhym's quote: (Source)
"We have nothing to advertise for the new MMO because it's a shell of a game thus far. We've already stated it'll be a brand new franchise, which means the lore, art, and game play are being developed entirely from scratch. It's an overwhelming process, but a process through which we excel. Our track record supports this."

Blizzard has been previously searching for texture artist with a sci-fi/fantasy background leading to the belief that the game will be science-fiction and fantasy themed . This seems like a believable choice for their next project. They already have Warcraft and Diablo, two similar fantasy genre game franchises. As for science fiction they only have Starcraft which leaves room for a second. This would give Blizzard two fanstasy and two science fiction franchises. 

The last and best rumor of all is that this game is going to be a first person shooter (FPS). I have the hardest time believing this rumor because I'm not certain that Blizzard would take such a gamble on something like a shooting game. I do believe it is possible for Blizzard to develop a game that is played in first person but the shooter part is what I have trouble swallowing. First person shooters are a large market but I'm not sure it reaches the mass appeal that they are searching for with a game like Titan. If they did create such a game it would practically be a Halo MMO which isn't a bad thing, I just expect better. Sure millions of people play Halo and Call of Duty but, is this the audience they want to reach out to?

I don't think this is going to be the only way to play the game because it seems like too narrow a scope. No pun intended. The difficultly level in learning how to play first person shooters is high and most girls already hate them outright due to Call of Duty. That cuts the audience in half already.

My belief is that the game will have first person shooting elements in the game. I think the game will most likely be played in a third person over the shoulder view in the style of gears of war. How else would I be able to see my characters awesome equipment? I think this view will be for running around and doing every day activities. It could be that when you enter combat that it will force you into first person shooting in some way. 

I think I have made my point that its probably not going to be a 'strict' first person shooter and will likely involve other game-play elements. So what will those other game-play elements be like.. I have no idea. I truely am stumped. Maybe it will involve hitting pigs with birds from a slingshot or maintaining your own farm plot. Could be anything.. definitely not those things.. but something.

1 comment:

  1. Nice writeup and mostly spot on. For additional information on Titan you can check out www.titanwatch.net.
