Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bad Experience With Lightwells

I recently was running the dungeon finder to level up an alt when I encountered something that I hadn't experienced before 'Lightwells'. I was tanking Scarlet Monastary on my Paladin when I noticed I wasn't being healed. I then saw the priest say in party chat, "Click the Lightwell, BRB I'm busy watching porn".

I had assumed the priest was making a joke and had to afk quickly in the middle of the fight to take care of something in the middle of the fight. To be honest I had no previous experience with Lightwells, I had never even heard of it before. I have been playing World of Warcraft for 4 years now.

We arrived at the next trash pack, immediately the priest then hot-keys the same tell to party chat, "Click the Lightwell, BRB I'm busy watching porn". I immediately thought wow this guy is a lazy jerk, why isn't he healing me?

After healing myself through the half the instance I finally noticed the Lightwell in front of me and clicked it. I then realized that it would heal me if I clicked it. After I had learned the function of the Lightwell I became really angry. So the healer just expects to come in here, run through and plop down Lightwells? And its our responsibility to click on the Lightwell on heal ourselves?

Why is this still in the game? Why should I have to do the healers job for them? Its ridiculous! Lolwells is a fitting term for this piece of garbage priest talent. There is a good reason why I hadn't seen Lightwells in my four years of playing WoW! Its because they suck.

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