Friday, May 13, 2011

Beth'tilac Fight Preview - PTR Patch 4.2
Beth'tilac, the spider boss, went live on the PTR for an hour or so of testing. According the forums the general consensus is that web mechanics are 'cool'. Here is a summary of what I can tell so far without spoiling too much.

Beth'tilac ascends to its web. Spinners, a type of spider, decend from the web above leaving behind strings that lead back to the web above. Strings are left behind that allow you to climb to the Beth'tilacs web. Beware atop the web, fire falls down from the ceiling. Your time is short atop the web and a timer ticks the seconds before you must find a hole in the web to fall back to your raid members.

Those left standing on the ground with the spinners must kill them. Packs of spiderlings will spawn from the corners and run to the spinners. The spinners will eat the spiderlings and regain their health.

As it stands now this is only the first part of the encounter and there is much more. From what I can tell it seems to be a very interesting boss fight and by interesting I mean fun. Stay tuned.

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