Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Murkablo Pet - Pictures and Video Animations

Jesus Christ! How many Murloc pet reskinnings will there be?! This one doesn't even look like anything in particular but I guess its supposed to be "Diablo themed". The least they could of done is made it 'Murlockard Cane'. Someone get on that Blizz. Just imagine a little Murloc with a fake white beard wearing a robe and holding a staff running by your feet. Now thats fucking adorable, not this red thing spikes. I would have settled for a Murloc version of Tyrael. I wouldn't have ever know that this is referencing Diablo had I not been told. At this point it is safe to assume the Murkablo pet will be the pet included with the purchase of either a Blizz Con Ticket or Diablo 3. Geez what a terrible name.
"Stay a while and listen"

MMOChampionWoW YouTube Channel

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